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6180 results found
TS 5000
Overhead door closer with guide rail for single leaf doors with a leaf width up to 1400 mm
GEZE ActiveStop integrated
Door damper on both sides for interior wooden swing doors
THZ Comfort N4
Staircase control panel in robust metal housing with illuminated SHEV and ventilation buttons for small smoke and heat extraction systems
Boxer EFS 4-6
Integrated door closer for 1-leaf doors with a leaf width of up to 1400 mm with electric free swing
Toplock CTI
Number codelock for easy access control for internal areas
GEZE ActiveStop glass, surface-mounted
Door damper on both sides for interior glass swing doors
Levolan 120 Glass
Sliding door fitting for 120 kg glass leafs
IQ lock EL
Electro-mechanical motor lock for the combination with swing door drives on single leaf doors
Power lock
Locking drive in combination with Slimchain, Powerchain or E 250 NT
LED sensor foot switch
Switch for activating automatic doors